Thursday, July 19, 2012

Greenhouse is done! Almost....

No, we aren't quite finished, but we're really, really close!  All the doors are installed, the hardware that locks them is installed and a good chunk of the primer coat is on.  All we lack is finishing the primer coat and doing the final paint coat.  As it is, we have a building that is functionally complete.  Woot!
Jeremy installed a person sized door inside of the 10'x10' doors on the north end.  The primer coat is done on this end.

Aboug 1/3 of the primer coat is done on this end

Also, we managed to spend some of our karma today.  We have developed a theory that the more we work, the more good karma we build up.  Then occasionally it gets spent on really random good things like free wood stoves.  We don't really get to pick how it gets spent, it just kinda happens.  This is our going theory anyway.  So today, I arrived at the farm straight from work dressed in slacks and a dress sweater.  I realize very quickly that I have forgotten to bring work clothes with me and we are supposed to paint.  Uh oh.  Luckily, I'm wearing an undershirt, so the sweater is saved.  The black slacks I figure are probably toast.  There is no way I'm going to spend 3 hours painting white primer on walls while going up and down ladders without getting any paint on my slacks.  Oh well, I will just have to break down and buy a new pair (I hate clothes shopping - this was a painful realization).

So I paint for 2.5 hours.  At the end, I look at my slacks to see how bad the damage is and I find.....nothing.  No paint on my slacks at all.  My shirt has several flecks on it, but nothing on the slacks.  Not even a speck.  I almost fell over - that just doesn't happen!  To prove I'm not lying - here's the picture of Catherine and I in front of the wall we painted today. 

Part of me says that if we're going to spend good karma on something, slacks are not really my first choice.  We have much bigger projects coming up!  However, since I don't really get a say in the matter, I'll take slacks and be happy.

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