Sunday, July 8, 2012

Greenhouse Build - Part 2

This post should be called "Flipping cars and flipping bars"...

Friday was another day working in the heat.  We were at the farm about 7:00.  We put up the top rail of boards to stabilize the hoops then started putting the bottom boards on.  The plastic will eventually be attached to these boards.

We took a short break in the middle of digging out a rather large rock that was in the way of the east bottom boards.  While getting some water, Jeremy saw a small SUV flip over in the ditch right in front of our property (other side of the road).  He took off running with Jacob and yelled to me to call 911.  When we got to the car, it was upside down at the bottom of a 10 foot ditch - we thought for sure whoever was inside was seriously injured.  I was talking to the 911 dispatcher while Jeremy shimmied under the barbed wire.  The driver turned out to be completely unharmed and climbed out of the vehicle with no issues.  We walked with him back to our site and gave him some water while we waited for the police to show up (we had reported to the 911 dispatch that he was fine and an ambulance was not needed).  Over the next 30 minutes, there were 4 different sheriff's vehicles, an ambulance and a fire marshal on site.  It made for quite a crowd on our little road!  The car was pulled out of the ditch with no major fuss and the driver was picked up by his parents (he was 16) about an hour later.
This is the lucky driver - not a scratch.

This is the car.  You can't see the giant rocks it landed on in the picture.  It is amazing that the driver escaped uninjured.

Drama resolved, we went back to work on the rock!  It eventually came out and we got the bottom rail finished.  Around this time, a friend, Doug Dubois, came to help.  With his aid, Jeremy got the ridge pole of the greenhouse temporarily wired to the hoops while I finished bolting the bottom boards onto the poles.  Then we all enjoyed some watermelon Doug brought and had some lunch.

For the evening shift, Michael Morley came to help.  We got the channel bars installed on the west side of the greenhouse (to hold the plastic) and got some of the ridge pole permanently installed.  We were completely beat though, so it was not as productive of an evening as Thursday.  At this point, we have seen and messed with enough poles that we'd be happy not to touch another for a long time.
Mr. Morley and I working on channel

Michael Almon came as we were closing up shop and we shared some watermelon together.  We then took a quiet walk around the farm with Michael and Michael.  It was a very nice evening for it and a good end to 2 very productive days working on the greenhouse.  Here is where the greenhouse was as of end of day Friday:

Next will be framing in the end walls, installing channel on the east side and completing the ridge pole.  The end is in site!

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