Sunday, October 21, 2012

Planning and putting the garden to bed

We had a pleasant afternoon at the farm today.  It was a beautiful day.  We took the opportunity to clean up the garden from the frost.  There were lots of cantaloupe vines and partially ripened melons to add to the compost along with tomato vines and sweet potato vines.  We had hoped that the sweet potatoes would have had enough time to make a few decent roots, but there weren't really any to speak of.  That said, they made a good amoung of material for the compost pile.

Many lost melons and sweet potato vines
We had planned to plow a swale above the greenhouse, but the tractor had other plans.  The front tire is now flat and won't hold air.  We'll get to make a trip to pick up the tractor on our new trailer and tow it down to the tire shop to have the tire fixed.  *sigh*  
Flat tire!

We took some more time to walk the farm and narrow in on exact placements for future buildings.  Our mental plan for the farm continues to take shape and its going to be awesome!