Thursday, June 21, 2012

Goats, plows and RAIN!!!!!

Yesterday was not a big step forward day in the move process due to many scheduling issues.  However, we thought you might appreciate seeing some pictures of our adorable little goats and the bolt that needs to be replaced on the plow for this weekend.
Hercules the "big" guy

Rollins enjoying the play station...err...doghouse...err...goathouse

field before goats

field after goats

This is the plow.  The toothy part on the bottom of the front blade should be covered up by the part pictured below.

The bolt in the center of this plowshare is rusted and half broken.  Hopefully it will get replaced without undue difficulty.  Yeah, right.  ;-)

Also, for those of you not living in Lawrence, water actually fell from the sky here last night!  This means that our work to level the site for the first greenhouse will be much easier and it means that we don’t have to water today.  Both are extremely welcome.  We will be packing tonight for another weekend at the farm.  Wish us luck on getting the site leveled so that we can start building the first greenhouse next week!

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