Sunday, January 15, 2017

Transitioning to the roof

After the walls were done, we left the forms on them to help keep the concrete warm enough to cure.  According to the thermometer we tucked in with the concrete, it stayed above freezing for over a week which should have given it enough time.  It was very exciting to finally take the forms off the wall and see the finished stonework!

Jeremy at the north west corner

The east and south walls

The west and south walls

Once we had the forms off and got to see the finished walls, it gave us new energy to keep going.  The next project was an enclosure to set up the shopsmith and a table saw to do prep work on the wood for the house (tongue and groove flooring and siding).  Luckily, we had a bunch of 2x4's with siding already on them on site - concrete forms!  Jeremy set up this temporary shed with our concrete forms over the course of the last week.

Finished concrete form shed

Then, yesterday, we moved the 5 rafter pairs for the house into the shed to be cut to length.  Once these are ready and we finish installing the sill plates, we'll be ready for the frame raising!  Step by step, we'll get there eventually.

Rafters in the shed

Another shed view